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3:08pm 12-29-2011
Ok, SERIOUSLY? SERIOUSLY?! I can't bite my tongue on this one. "KH in Maryland"...you just pushed my buttons wayyyyyyyy too far. Lighten up. Seriously. L-I-G-H-T-E-N U-P. Stop taking things so personally. This blog and this guestbook are not about YOU. The comments people write here are not directed at YOU. We're not talking to YOU or about YOU. The things written are not for YOUR reading pleasure. They're for Taylor. How in the world you took what Caroline wrote, which obviously was meant to be funny and sarcastic and clearly was laced in inside jokes that she and TAYLOR share, and twisted it into a direct insult to YOU and certain people of a political affiliation is beyond ridiculous. And if THAT is what you took away from this blog...especially after the last several entries, then you have much bigger things to worry about than a message written by a stranger to another stranger (I'm assuming you don't know Taylor...and certainly aren't friends with her, because if you were, you definitely wouldn't have EVER posted that). As someone who knows Taylor, I LOVE this guestbook. I can sit here and read it for hours and laugh and cry until my tear ducts run dry. It's the closest thing any of us have to being with our friend. We miss her. A lot. And coming here and sharing hilarious stories and pictures and links and yes, political discussions, is the only way any of us can try to fill that massive void in our lives. As Joyce has said several times, the old Taylor is gone. The person we were friends with, is gone. She's never coming back. Things are never going to be the same. Most of us probably aren't ever going to see her again. Do you REALIZE how much that sucks? No. Clearly you do not. I don't think I've ever seen you even post anything on here before. Was that really the only thing you had to say? Is that really all you have taken away from this blog? You never once even mentioned Taylor. At all. You didn't even make a vague reference to her. After your rant, you didn't bother to throw in a "I'm praying for you Taylor!" or "Hang in there, Taylor!" Nothing. Instead, you decided to start drama. And in the process, completely disrespect Taylor. And NO ONE, I repeat, NO ONE is allowed to disrespect by friend. Please heed your own advice and just stick to reading the blog. Not for me, not for Caroline, not for any our other friends, not for any of the random strangers, but for Taylor. Thank you.

TayTay ~ I miss you so much. Aside from having a giant conniption fit as displayed above, I did three things today: miss you, miss you, and miss you. It's also what I did yesterday. And it's probably what I'm going to do tomorrow. I also sat here for awhile brainstorming "I miss you" analogies, but the only ones I could come up with were political and well...I don't want to insult "KH in Maryland," so I'll resist the urge to share them. Ok, just kidding, I can't resist. I miss you more than Newt Gingrich misses the Virginia primary. I miss you more than the Tea Party misses their teeth. I miss you more than Rick Perry misses the Department of Energy. I miss you more than Sarah Palin misses being relevant. I miss you more than Michele Bachmann misses sleeping with a straight man. I miss you more than Taylor Swift misses having talent...oh wait...she never had any to begin with (ok, that one wasn't political). Are you catching my drift? I miss you a lot. I also really want to kick cancer and all those people Joyce referenced, in the babymaker. I'm sure that people telling you that they're praying for you isn't much of a consolation anymore. It doesn't really seem to be working. But it's still all I know how to do. So I'll keep doing it just in case God maybe decides to listen one day. Love you friend. xoxo
2:38pm 12-29-2011
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. no. just, no.

Taylor, it's moments like these where I miss you the most.
12:24pm 12-29-2011
KH in Maryland
Caroline- I am a loyal Republican and I am not a "redneck". I hope you weren't making a political generalization, but unfortunately, it sounds like you were. If not, I apologize for taking it the wrong way. I'm so sorry, Joyce, I know you don't like political discussions. I don't either. Just had to stand up for myself. I think I'll stick to reading Joyce's updates and stop reading the other messages. Joyce- thank you for the time, energy and love you put into your blog.
10:12am 12-29-2011
I am at a loss for words after reading that someone Taylor loves had no interest in seeing her. I just cannot fathom it. I would move mountains to be with a loved one who needed me. I wish I could take Taylor and make her mine.
6:35am 12-29-2011
CareBear Tx/Oz/Nz
"There were really only two people in the world she wanted to see, and they both were going to be in the same town on Jesus' birthday. Problem was, neither of them had any interest in seeing her. She called a couple of people about whether she would be "allowed" to come spend Christmas with them, and that didn't turn out to be an option."
I swear this has to be the shittiest thing I have ever read. I've never met you Taylor, I follow your blog after being "introduced" to you by friends. But my family thinks of you every day and sometimes you're even used as an example when I need a little attitude adjustment from a pity party. But oh my goodness you deserve so much more than this. Thinking of you wherever you are xox
2:01am 12-29-2011
Mary Ann Louisiana
Praying that God is keeping you safe and that you will be in Nashville when Joyce gets there. Remember God is wrapping you in His loving arms and that Joyce is right, you are never alone. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers every single day. God bless!
4:11pm 12-28-2011
Hahaha Caroline. Cheerwine IS the nectar of the gods and I pity the fool who doesn't know what it is. ANd holy moly, now you've got me craving Taylor's cheerwine moonshine punch AND her cheerwine cake (have you ever had it? It's life changing). I've got a case of CW in the fridge, several jars of moonshine, Devil's Food cake mix, and butter. I know what I'm doin tooooooonight! I love this blog. It never fails to inspire greatness. MIIIIISS YOU TAYTAY!! XOXO
2:48pm 12-28-2011
Ok, I realized in hindsight that that was quite possibly the most redneck thing I have ever written. Allow me to clarify: I have a degree, I swear I don't live in a trailer park, I don't own a gun, I'm not married to my cousin, I drive a prius, and I'm a loyal democrat. But I really do love Cheerwine. And moonshine. And the South. And it's coke...not soda. All of the above applies to Taylor as well. Except for the prius thing. She drives a gas guzzling SUV that Al Gore would surely scoff at. But she is an OCD recycler, so maybe that makes up for it.
2:37pm 12-28-2011
I woke up late and didn't have time to make coffee/go to Starbucks before work, but we had a lot of cokes in the fridge leftover from Christmas, so I grabbed a Cheerwine because I figured a sugar kick was better than no kick at all. When I got to the office, two of my coworkers who are from Chicago and Philly said, "What the hell kind of 'soda' is that?!" I bit my tongue and thought about that time you were mixing up some Cheerwine moonshine punch (which I miss, by the way. Nobody makes it as good as you) and someone else asked you a similar question and you just said, "I can't even make a snarky 'damn yankee' comment because I genuinely feel so sorry for you." So instead of yelling "IT'S COKE NOT SODA, YOU ASSHOLE and Cheerwine in the nectar of the gods" I just shook my head and said, "Bless your poor Yankee heart." An hour later I caught the Chicago guy googling "What is Cheerwine?" hahaaaaa. Loser.

Anyways...that was my "Taylor moment" of the day. MISS YOUUUU!!! Hope you're hanging in there. If you haven't already, go getcha some Cheerwine. Maybe it'll help. Especially if you mix it with moonshine. Or Jack. Or both. xoxo
9:52am 12-28-2011
I've learned so many of these things from you. Thanks. Thinking about you & praying for you always! xo
10:29pm 12-27-2011
TayTay, watch this. For 18 seconds, everything in the world will be ok. Chris walks in and he goes, "I can tell from the sounds that you're making that you're either watching videos of baby sloths or Christian the Lion. I totally expected to see Taylor sitting there with you." Miss you. xoxo
8:34pm 12-26-2011
Kelly Ahearn
You have been weighing so heavily on my heart and mind these last few days. I found myself praying that time would stand still, so that maybe things would somehow get better in time for you to have Christmas. I hate that it didn't and that it's now the 26th and Christmas has come and gone. Just like Thanksgiving came and went and your birthday came and went and every other holiday over the last year came and went. I guess you could say the same for life in general. It makes me so sad that someone who lived life so fully and so vivaciously, had that all taken away. The physical pain that you've gone through seems to so totally pale in comparison to the emotional pain you're suffering. I wish I had some answers or knew how to make this better. But I don't. The only thing I know how to do is pray for your heart and pray that it's healed and pray that somehow and someway this will all make sense one day. Maybe not on earth, but definitely in Heaven. 1 Cor 13:12

God bless you, Joyce, for being such a pillar of strength and support. And for earning the trust of a girl who's never had anyone or anything to trust. What a blessing.
5:52pm 12-26-2011
Sarah G.
Just watched a thing on the news about Garth shopping at Utica Square on Thursday and a couple ladies from Bath & Body Works were unloading a shipment from the truck and he walked up to them and said "I don't mean to be a creep....but do you want help with that?" and he proceeded to unload everything for them. What a guy, what a guy. I love that he prefaces an offer to help by saying "I don't mean to be a creep" as if someone would confuse him for a sexual predator or something.

Also...yesterday while we were partaking in the incredibly nerdy G-fam tradition of singing happy birthday to both Jesus and OSU...I lifted my neice up to help her blow out the candles (yes, we actually had a birthday cake...yes it was orange...yes there was a Jesus figurine on it) aaaaaaaaaaaaaand wellllllllllllllllllll, I kinda sorta caught my hair on fire. Fortunately, it was in a pony tail. And just the tip got in it. But now I've got some fried as hell split ends. After I recovered from the chaos of extinguishing the fire, I remembered you telling me a story about something similar happening to you on your 18th birthday, and I didn't feel as stupid. I can always count on you to top and/or lessen the humility of my embarrassing moments. Thank you for that.

See all the fun you're missin out on in Oklahoma? Wherever you are, point that steering wheel west and come home. Or meet me in Arizona. Santa brought me Fiesta Bowl tickets! XOXO
11:02am 12-26-2011
Becky- OK
Ya know...there's a reason why "Airstream Song" is her favorite Miranda tune. That girl cannot stay in one place. She has to roam. Praying she and her snuggie get home (or to the Fiesta Bowl ) safe.
10:24am 12-26-2011
Megan- AZ
I am with Gina on this one... Arizona needs you. I am actually considering owning something orange for the event (you know how I feel about that color). You need a good party and this sounds like the perfect occasion. Start driving west.

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